Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wanderlust Wednesday

My heart is a flutter for the chance to travel. I just booked my brother and my moms flight to come to the city for my birthday and now I've been but by the travel bug. I'm longing to travel and I think my heart will only be satisfied by a visit to a far off land. These two places will always have my heart

Where are some places you would escape to if you could leave tomorrow?

josslynn nicole

Monday, September 3, 2012

Newly inspired header

After a while of creating and editing I have created a  newly inspired header with photos I have taken myself.  However, I must give credit where credit is due.
Image to the left: Coffee at my favorite current coffee shop Irving Farms
Image in the center: A picture of lady liberty taken on my way to Ikea
Image to the left: Amazing graffiti art found at one of my favorite places in the world City Crossroads 

Hope you enjoy the fresh beginnings as much as I do!
josslynn nicole

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor day lovelies!
I have returned from my blogging hiatus. It wasn't because I was uninspired, quite the opposite actually.  I have soo much to share, I didn't know where to begin, but I have written out a list (which always seems to make life better) and will be returning full force this week!
I'm happy to the point of giddiness to be sharing on here again!
miss you all!
josslynn nicole 



josslynn nicole 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

Thank you to those that have lost their lives serving our country
Cory Hiltz

Thank you to those serving!
Anthony Age
Ryan Torrez
David Clouse
Gavin Hirsch
Kyle Dorsey
Jarred Wilson 
Daniel Head
Jordan Fankhauser
Chris Case
John Brogan
Partick Robbins
Ryan Hoskins
Daniel Botero
Adam Gooden
Britten Lo Monaco
Meg's Brother
Brie's Brother
Brit Butler
Brad Brooks

Thank you to those who have served
Scottie Withall
Aaron Zapata
Robert Ramirez
Gabriel Perez
Ashley Tillung
Doug Carillo 
Kyle Trowbridge
Tyler Ceniseroz 


Saturday, May 26, 2012


-even nannies have cliques
-most nannies are over the age of 35
-they are nice if you are nice
-most conversations revolve around "your" kids and potential playdates (which gurantees a nanny will get to talk to another adult for at least an hour... score!)
-you snack on what the kids snack on
-field trips can backfire... and be more trouble than they're worth
-the rain is sometimes annoying but does not inhibit travel
-the difference between a young nanny and a young mom at the playground is usually a wedding band
-packing for the day is crucial to a good day out
-taking a stroller on the train is hazardous
-the younger the kid, the more freedom you have
- TJ Maxx is apparently nanny central during the day
-playground fun can last for hours (bring a change of clothes)
-other nannies want friends too

TV shows that are best (and least annoying)
- Fresh Beat Band
- Backyardigans
- Yo Gabba Gabba
- Curious George
- Scout